LUXEMBOURG ART WEEK 2024: Nathalie Pirotte

Glacis Square (Fouerplaatz) L-1628 Luxembourg, Luxembourg 22 - 24 November 2024 
Glacis Square (Fouerplaatz) L-1628 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Take Off D23

Husk Gallery is delighted to participate in the 10th edition of Luxembourg Art Week with a solo booth dedicated to the paintings by Nathalie Pirotte.


Opening hours

Thursday 21 November 2024 
VIP & Pro Day, 12:00–18:00 (by invitation)
Preview, 18:00–22:00 (by invitation)

Friday 22 November 2024
Public hours, 12:00–18:00
Nocturne, 18:00–22:00

Saturday 23 November 2024
Public hours, 10:30–19:00

Sunday 24 November 2024
Public hours, 10:30–18:00