PAREIDOLIE 2024 MARSEILLE: Peter Depelchin, Céline Marin

Château de Servières, 19 boulevard Boisson, 13004 Marseille 30 August - 1 September 2024 
Château de Servières, 19 boulevard Boisson, 13004 Marseille Booth 8

Husk Gallery is pleased to participate in Paréidolie 2024 Marseille - the international art fair for contemporary drawing from Friday 30 August  to Sunday 1 September 2024 presenting a duo booth with a fine selection of drawings by Peter Depelchin and Céline Marin. Both artists will be present.


At Husk Gallery’s booth the selected drawings share a specific focus on the theme of the imaginary beyond time and space. Though each artist is inspired by different sources, they create their distinct universes as a voyage through time and space. Both artists create their coherent oeuvres through unexpected combinations of disparate iconographic material.


Friday 30 August 2024 from 9.30 am to 2 pm by invitation only


Friday 30 August 2024 from  4pm to 9 pm
Opening days
Saturday 31 August 2024 from 11 am > 7 pm
Sunday 1 September 2024 from 11am > 7 pm


Venue: Château de Servières,19 boulevard Boisson, 13004 Marseille, France